City of Seattle
Timely and relevant communications.
The City of Seattle was the initial epicenter of Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) in the U.S. Factual information was in short supply yet fear was in abundance. I led HR communications throughout the public health emergency for 14,000 employees across the City – focused on providing timely, accurate, and potentially life-saving information to reduce risk of exposure to COVID-19, enable continuation of essential public service functions, and protect public health.
Driven by critical communications needs, I facilitated decision making across lines of business and the Mayor’s Office on fast-changing policy and operational requirements. In the early stages of the pandemic, communicating science-based facts and City policies – amplified by trusted leadership voices in accessible formats – was key to ensuring people had the information they needed to stay safe.
Later, as people became fatigued by information and work-life limitations imposed by the pandemic, I re-framed HR communications to be forward looking and mobilize collective action. The key message was this: We must continue to follow – and change behaviors consistent with – public health guidance, so that together we can improve community health and recovery.
Throughout the pandemic, timely and relevant communications helped keep City employees and communities safe and sustain livelihoods; enable real-time changes to service models during facility closures and re-openings; and foster productive collaboration with unions and community partners.